This time I have an interesting couple for you: OPI Ski Teal We Drop and China Glaze Sour Apple. A seemingly weird combo, but wait 'till you see the result!
So, as you can see Ski Teal We Drop is a ... well, a teal colour. It's more on the blue side, than green, though. Sour Apple is a very very very sheer polish, excellent for layering. It had all kinds of green flecks (think: moss, dark green, lighter green, yellowish-green, forest green) in a bright green base.
I used two coats of Ski Teal We Drop and one coat of Sour Apple to get this effect. Both polishes apply like dream. The combi really comes alive when the sun is shining. Too bad I don't have a picture of that, because the weather here has been overcast :(. So instead of that, here's a picture under artificial light.
Pretty amazing, huh?